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Set sail in 2025 from Singapore on the Disney Adventure with Disney Cruise Line! Prepare for enchanting Broadway-style shows, themed dining experiences, and unforgettable family fun at sea.
Once you complete your booking, we will place you on the waitlist and contact you if there are any confirmed updates. No further action is required at this time
This booking serves as a registration for upcoming information and exclusive discounts for Tripneasy upcoming sale of Disney Cruise Line products and does not constitute nor guarantee a successful booking of the actual cruise
Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore
Get ready to experience an enchanting cruise holiday on a grand scale. Brimming with fun and relaxation, world-class entertainment, themed dining experiences and exceptional Guest service, the Disney Adventure is both the journey and the destination. Featuring 3- and 4-night voyages, the ship offers magical days at sea as it sets sail from Singapore.
From the moment you step on board to your last wave goodbye, a Disney cruise includes almost everything you could hope for—larger-than-life entertainment, delicious dining, action-packed kids clubs, spacious accommodations, dazzling destinations and more—all delivered with our legendary service and attention to detail
Starting in 2025, Disney Cruise Line will start the adventure from Marina Bay Cruise Centre in Singapore, charting courses to exhilarating destinations across Southeast Asia. This marks the start of a thrilling five-year partnership. Brace yourself for a magical voyage where dreams and the sea converge!
Disney Cruise Singapore Price
Set sail on a spellbinding adventure with Disney Cruise Line, departing from Singapore! Choose from a variety of magical journeys designed to dazzle and delight:
Sail away on a magical adventure as you explore 7 imaginatively themed areas across the ship—each brimming with immersive experiences that bring the tales from Disney, Marvel and Pixar to life on a grand scale.
Savor everything from elegant culinary journeys to made-to-order casual fare at magically themed restaurants throughout the ship. Plus, you’ll have 3 distinctly Disney dining experiences during your voyage, with a preset schedule included with your booking.
Whether you’re planning a fun-filled family vacation, a friends getaway or a couples escape, Disney staterooms and suites ensure your relaxation and comfort. Each stateroom and suite features magical touches you won’t find any place else, including artwork inspired by Disney, Pixar or Marvel stories.
Stunning vessels that pay homage to the grand era of the luxury ocean liner, Disney’s 6 distinguished ships pamper Guests with state-of-the-art comforts, legendary service and Disney-exclusive activities that bring families together en route to exotic ports of call. From bow to stern, each magnificent ship brims with restaurants, nightclubs, shops and recreational facilities that make cruising a pleasure for Guests of all ages. With so much to experience built right in, getting there is half the fun!
When you set sail with Disney, you can be sure an unforgettable vacation is always on the horizon. Overflowing with imaginative fun for the kids, unique recreational offerings for adults and thrilling entertainment for the entire family, every Disney ship provides fun for one and all, so that no one ever has to compromise.
Disney’s Oceaneer Club Kids ages 3 through 10 can let their imaginations soar as they interact with beloved Disney Characters and participate in fun-filled activities. |
Edge An exclusive hangout for tweens ages 11 to 14, Edge offers all kinds of fun, including the latest music, video games and an endless array of engaging activities. |
Vibe Teens ages 14 through 17 can hang out in a club created just for them. Here, they can watch movies, listen to music and play interactive games in style. |
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Disney-Inspired Accommodations Thoughtfully designed for comfort, the staterooms on board the Disney Adventure offer the perfect place to relax, recharge and travel the high seas in style. Choose from a diverse range of room types, including those boasting stunning ocean vistas or scenic views of the ship’s interior. |
Luxurious Concierge Offerings Delight in the epitome of luxury with our Concierge staterooms, providing premium accommodations with upscale amenities. As a Concierge Guest, enjoy a heightened level of personalized service and convenience, with a dedicated team to assist you throughout your cruise. |
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Exclusive Access Enjoy exclusive access to dedicated areas onboard including a Concierge lounge, luxury shops, spa, and sundeck where you can relax in an elegant setting while savoring a refreshing beverage or gourmet bites. You’ll also have access to a private fitness center with state-of-the-art technology. |
Personalized Service Experience an unparalleled level of personalized service as our Concierge team caters to your family’s unique preferences, offering exceptional care and attention to detail. |
Convenience Our signature Concierge services begin before you board the ship and continue throughout your holiday to ensure a fuss-free holiday planning experience. Our dedicated Concierge team can assist you with everything from booking reservations, special requests, planning celebrations and more. |
迪士尼游轮将于 2025 年在新加坡扬帆启航
准备开启一次规模宏大且充满奇幻色彩的豪华游轮之旅。迪士尼探险号(Disney Adventure) 既是旅程,也是目的地。游轮从新加坡启航,为宾客提供3晚或4晚的行程。充分享受欢乐与闲适、精彩绝伦的娱乐演出、卓越非凡的宾客服务以及迪士尼特色主题餐饮美食,沉浸式体验海上奇妙之旅。
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体验迪士尼海上奇幻世界 登上迪士尼游轮,开启一段充满无限乐趣的奇妙旅程。观赏精彩绝伦的现场表演,品尝独具迪士尼特色的美味佳肴,体验独树一帜的儿童俱乐部。所有这些精彩体验,唯有迪士尼为您独家呈现。入住迪士尼主题客房,在水上乐园尽情嬉戏,与至爱的迪士尼朋友见面,纵享豪华水疗护理,探索独家购物体验—尽享誉满全球的迪士尼款客之道与细致入微的迪士尼服务。 |
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全新迪士尼探险号震撼来袭! 在这个充满想象、探索、梦幻与冒险的奇妙游轮中,迪士尼、漫威和皮克斯将热门故事注入其中,打造出令人心驰神往的奇幻世界。无需离开游轮,您就能畅玩七大主题区域—Disney Imagination Garden、Disney Discovery Reef、San Fransokyo Street、Marvel Landing、Toy Story Place、Town Square以及Wayfinder Bay。这艘万众期待的全新游轮拥有迪士尼游轮的诸多“首创”荣誉,其中不乏专为东南亚地区量身定制的独特体验。 |
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非同凡响的迪士尼服务与热忱款客之道 感受迪士尼与众不同的魅力,体验迪士尼独有的卓越服务和无与伦比的热忱款客之道。船组成员将以热情洋溢的笑容迎接您的到来,为您带来奇妙绝伦的海上度假之旅。细致入微的服务人员会了解您的喜好,每晚为您提供个性化的用餐体验。客房管家会为您提供周到妥帖的服务,让您和您的家人轻松愉悦地享受整个旅程。 |
誉满全球的迪士尼娱乐演出 全身心沉浸于迪士尼的娱乐演出中,感受所有年龄层游客都为之倾倒的神奇魅力。精彩卓绝的现场表演令人惊叹,脍炙人口的迪士尼故事在舞台上栩栩如生。与您喜爱的迪士尼朋友见面,以令人期待的新方式欣赏他们的灵动风姿。您还可以坐在我们时尚的影院中观看迪士尼经典电影。 |
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迪士尼特色餐饮美食 从高档餐饮到丰盛的自助餐和快餐服务,迪士尼主题餐厅可满足不同食客的饮食需求。您可以尽情品尝诱人的国际风味菜肴,包括亚洲风味的当地菜肴和迪士尼特色美食。迪士尼游轮致力于满足不同旅客的饮食需求(例如清真和素食),为您打造尽善尽美的非凡用餐体验。 主厨推荐 享受豪华,升级您的用餐体验!只需额外付费,即可在环境高雅的高级餐厅内体验精致的美味佳肴。 |
合家共享无穷乐趣 无论是在上层甲板的水滑梯和泳池中尽情玩耍,还是沉浸式体验卡拉 OK、宾果游戏、无声 DJ、动画课程和游戏节目等室内活动,全家老小皆可从中畅享无限欢乐! |
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独具特色的儿童与青少年主题俱乐部 “小小探险家”们可以结识新朋友,并独自开启激动人心的全新探索之旅。 Disney’s Oceaneer Club Edge Vibe
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成年人放松与休闲之地 探索专为成年人设计的豪华休闲空间。在以迪士尼经典故事为灵感的主题酒吧和休息室中放松身心。尽情享受高档购物体验,体验水疗护理放松身心,通过康养与健身活动唤醒感官,置身于迪士尼奇妙世界,尽享所有独特体验。
迪士尼主题客房 迪士尼探险号的客房设计别具匠心,旨在为您提供放松身心、休息小憩、欣赏无垠海景的舒适体验。房型丰富多样,包括可欣赏迷人海景或船舱内景的客房。 |
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豪华礼宾体验 礼宾客房配备豪华住宿设施,让您尽享尊贵礼遇。宾客可享受更高水平的个性化服务和便利设施,我们的专业团队将在整个巡游期间全程提供优质服务。 |